

Hello I’m Ijeoma, welcome to my blog! LATEST SCHOOL NEWS was designed to help student in Nigeria universities who are currently in their undergraduate/postgraduate/PHD level with the latest information from their respective schools.
I am a student, graphics designer and blogger… but I just like to call myself an internet entrepreneur. I’ve spent the last handful of years making income online.
 I am a young lady who believes so much in technology trends. When I was starting, my best graphics tool was Corel Draw which was used to design – everything – and work was usually too much on me. Regardless, during that time I discovered it was possible to make my own blog and dedicated every minute of available internet time to learning how to do it.
I was an office girl, but constantly fascinated by technology. There weren’t internet classes or many books to read and graphics design wasn’t even really popular yet.
Through trial and error, I learnt how to blog, design graphics and even to write a good article.
During leisure time, I would go to my blog, change font colours and get my images onto my free blog or head to Corel Draw for some designs.
 Eventually, as the internet grew and became popular, more tools started appearing at my disposal. Photoshop, Photobucket, Google, PDF tutotorials, Youtube and actual computers that could handle the internet.
By then I was addicted to the internet for designing and creating blogs and I think I’m getting quite good at it for someone at my age a female at who completely self taught myself.


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